Objective: Teachers will recognize the purpose of all Catholic schools is to form virtuous students and will take time to consider how they would like to be part of that mission.
• Overview of the whole workshop
• The uniqueness of a Catholic education in forming virtuous people
• Encountering the living God
Workshop 12
The Community of the Family
William Newton, STL, PhD - Founding member of the Aquinas Institute
1. The Church Teaches Us
Objective: Educators will embrace the Church's teachings on marriage and family and share them with their students.
• Overview of the whole workshop
• The uniqueness of the Catholic approach to marriage
• Familiaris Consortio
2. Called to Holiness
Objective: Staff will analyze the changes in the relationship of men and woman in recent times.
• Changes in marriage
• The two loves in conflict
• Positive and negative effects of the sexual revolution
3. God Created Marriage in the Beginning
Objective: To understand the meaning and purpose of marriage.
• Primary and secondary purposes of marriage
• natural and supernatural marriage
• Symbolism of marriage
4. A Community of Persons
Objective: Staff will value the community that is the family in a new way.
• The four tasks of marriage
• How social media effects familial communion
• The place of fathers within the family
5. Marriage: An Indissoluble Communion of Persons
Objective: That staff may honor marriage and family with the dignity they deserve.
• The role of Christian couples
• Marriage as a sacrament
• Conjugal love founded on the love of Christ
6. Serving Life: Procreation
Objective: Educators will discuss the importance marriage as directed toward children.
• The argument of Humane Vitae
• Contraception versus NFP
• The beauty of children as an overflowing of the Creator's love
7. Serving Life: The Education of Children
Objective: Educators will discuss the importance of the role of families as the primary educators of their children.
• Parents as the first and foremost educators of their children
• The purpose of education
• The three types of education as seen in Familiaris Consortio
8. The Family and Society
Objective: To see the family as the foundation on which society is built.
• A family's contribution to society
• The heart of the family is communion
9. Sharing in the Mission of the Church
Objective: Staff will embrace the role of a domestic church within their families and encourage their student's to do the same.
• The domestic church
• The visible signs of a Christian family in today's culture
• The meaning of "vocation"
10. Marriage as a Sacrament
Objective: Staff will understand the great benefits to children and society that marriage brings.
• The Eucharist as a symbol of marriage
• Marriage as a source of strength and healing
• The links between educational success and strong marriages
Workshop to be completed by participants outside of the formation setting. 80% of all worksheets and outputs are necessary for completion of program.
Before taking this workshop how did you view the mission of the Christian family in today's society. What did you see as the purpose of marriage? How did children fit in? Now having completed this workshop, have your views changed?
Considering the above questions, write a 200 word reflection on if/how this workshop has affected the way you view your personal mission in your family and in your Catholic school.